News of Berlin Refugee Movement – from inside

Abolish Residenzpflicht! Abolish ‚Lagers‘! Stop Deportations! Right to Work and Study!

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The Awakening – Film von Kenan Emini

The Awakening, DE/CRO/SRB 2015, 39 min., OmdtUT
Ein Film von Kenan Emini

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Hört auf, Eure rassistischen Gesetzesverschärfungen und Abschiebungen im Namen von Frauenrechten zu legitimieren!

von Women in Exile (english below)DemoBerlinvsViolenceWomen25Nov2015-0059-300x199

Wir sind solidarisch mit den von den Ereignissen der Silvesternacht betroffenen Frauen und verurteilen jede Gewalt gegen jede Frau, aber die Reaktionen darauf seitens der Medien, der Politik und viele Stimmen aus
der Gesellschaft gegen Flüchtlinge und Migranten haben uns besonders bestürzt.

Heute gibt es eine rechte Demonstration in Potsdam, organisiert von der rechtspopulistischen Partei AfD, während die Gegendemonstration von uns Frauen in ihrer Nähe verboten wurde!

Wir möchten uns nicht ins Abseits drängen lassen und schicken hiermit an
alle unseren für dort geplanten Redebeitrag:

Die Ereignisse der Silvesternacht in Köln sind für keine Frau*, besser gesagt für keinen Menschen akzeptabel, völlig egal welcher Hautfarbe, Religion oder Herkunft. Was in Köln passiert ist, sollte nicht so dargestellt werden als wäre es der einzige Fall in dieser sogenannten zivilisierten Gesellschaft.Gewalt gegen Frauen hat sehr unterschiedliche Formen und wird von Männern weltweit ausgeübt, auch deutsche Männer sind Täter. Und nur die wenigsten Sexuellen Übergriffe und die wenigsten Vergewaltigungen werden in dieser Gesellschaft geahndet, geschweige denn strafrechtlich verfolgt. Flüchtlinge abzuschieben, um „Frauen zu schützen“ ist genauso absurd und verlogen wie Angriffskriege im Namen der Frauenrechte zu führen. Was dies für die Bevölkerung bedeutet, sieht man in Afghanistan: noch mehr Tote und Zerstörung.

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Mythos „sichere“ Herkunftsstaaten und Asylrechtsverschärfung

Roma Alle bleiben

Alle bleiben

8. Dezember 2015

Seminarzentrum Rost- und Silberlaube • Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem • U-Bahn Dahlem Dorf (U3)

17 Uhr Dokumentation der Recherchereise nach Serbien,
Mazedonien und Kosovo von „alle bleiben!“
18 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion

English und Srpski below

Im Rahmen der Asylrechtsverschärfungen vom 6. November 2014 und 15. Oktober 2015 wurden unter anderem die Staaten Serbien, Mazedonien, Bosnien und Herzegowina sowie Albanien, Kosovo, Montenegro als sogenannte „sichere“ Herkunftsstaaten eingestuft:

Staaten, in denen weder politische Verfolgung noch „unmenschliche oder erniedrigende Bestrafung und Behandlung stattfindet“ (Formulierung des deutschen Grundgesetzes)

Eine Recherchereise des Bündnisses „alle bleiben!“ zur Situation der Roma nach Mazedonien, Serbien und Kosovo hat noch einmal bestätigt, dass die Situation vor Ort nichts mit sog. „sicheren“ Herkunftsländern zu tun hat und eher etwas über die bestehende Haltung in Deutschland aussagt. Continue reading

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Mumia Abu-Jamal on Oury Jalloh in 2007

Death in Cell # 5 [Column written 03/04/07] © 2007 Mumia Abu-Jamal
A Sierra Leonean refugee named Oury Jalloh burned to death in Cell No. 5 in the city of Dessau, Germany.
The Date: January 7, 2005.
Police at the station have called it a simple case of suicide.
His friends and fellows have raised serious and disturbing questions, such as: how do you tie your hands and feet, and burn yourself to death?
Since that day to this, friends of Jalloh and anti-racist organizers havebeen trying to build a movement against racist violence, perpetrated by the State often, especially against African refugees like Oury Jalloh. Jalloh what 21 years old.
His case has raised did of similar incidents, of clashes between Black immigrants, and the German police. Like that of Dominique Kuomadio, another African refugee, who shot and killed what by German police on April 14, 2006.
When the German General Public Prosecutor given what the case, the conclusion that all but pre-ordained: self-defense.
Anti-racist Germans and refugee support groups there have organized to demand and fund corpse at x-ray of Oury Jalloh’s. This x-ray found he did suffered a broken nose, and serious trauma to his middle ear.
Earlier requests for search on examination were turned down by the State Prosecutor who said it was not necessary.
And while the cops who murdered may’ve-burned to death-a Black immigrant in a holding cell, to face almost certain impunity, activists who have spoken out against the cops are being sued for libel and defamation now.
Remember Oury Jalloh!
For more information, please contact:
– © 2007maj
Further information:



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Statement concerning the planned tightening of the asylum law by one refugee activist

The Parliament is the symbol of representative democracy. Members of parliament/Attorneys are elected by the vote of “people”, in other words ” citizens”, and their responsibility is to defend the rights of “citizens” and to pass laws in favour of them.

Due to this definition, all the asylum laws, migration laws or in other word laws related to “non citizens” are passed or rejected without any representative from them in parliament; that means that by defending their rights, representatives of “citizens” violate the rights of “non citizens” .

The new law, which is based on eliminating “non citizens”, avoiding their presence in future and giving a dangerous and threatening image of them, in better words criminalise them, is supposed to legitimize the notion that citizens (here means Germans) are against the presence of non citizens ( concrete symbols of this opposition in German society is PEGIDA& Co., racism and exclusive behaviour towards “foreigners” or “impures”, which are rooted in history and social and cultural manner of this society ).

About the racist and fascistic character of PEGIDA and their exclusive logic which is the same as Hitler’s, but this time against Muslims, there is no doubt; so, as even the Chancellor of Germany, who is herself from a conservative right party, took up a position against them, the UN high commision of human rights gave a warning to Germany because of that.

Considering all this, what is going to be passed in the German parliament means nothing other than creating another tool to spread racism. Such a parliament which helps in this way to spread racism instead of stopping it, cannot be anything else than an organisation which systematically and legally paves the way for fascism .
If in law or in society or in politics, would you find a better name for such an approach other than Fascism??

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Racism is Becoming Normal in Germany

There is a new racist movement on the streets of Germany. These people who call themselves Pegida (patriotic Europeans), gathered ten thousand people to the march hold in Dresden. Now they do these demonstrations every Monday and start in other cities as well. The racist movement included a very small amount of people until today, but now the number increased to ten thousands.
The starting point of this racist movement is Islamphobia. They say “We do not want the Islamisation of Europe”. They legitimized themselves through demonstrations against ISIS. Football team fans massively participated in these demos. Now there is also participation from different groups in society.

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PRESS RELEASE (01.08.2013) from the network of protesting refugees and supporters from Berlin and Brandenburg against lager and deportation in Eisenhüttenstadt

###Protests against the racists NPD-demonstration in Eisenhüttenstadt and Fürstenwalde are planned### Abolish the lager-system!###

Upcoming saturday, the 3rd of August, the NPD is planning demonstrations in front of the lager in Eisenhüttenstadt and Fürstenwalde in order to build on racist resentments within part of the local population. We will not leave this provocation unanswered! Protests against the NPD actions in Eisenhüttenstadt will start at 9:30am. There is a bus leaving from Oranienplatz to Eisenhüttenstadt at 7.00 am. Come to Eisenhüttenstadt and Fürstenwalde on saturday to steal the neonazis the show and to fight the racist normality!

“Our answer to this inhuman cheap propaganda against refugees in Brandenburg and Berlin is solidarity and determination!”, says the press speaker of the network, Peter Frank.

We will defend us consistently against fascist propaganda and institutional racism!
Abolish the lager system! Flats for everyone!
Asylum is a human right! Evict neonazis! Refugees stay!