News of Berlin Refugee Movement – from inside

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Locked Up & and Neglected After Fleeing Danger, Immigrant Women Detainees Launch Hunger Strike in Texas, NOVEMBER 06, 2015


Central Immigrant Women Protest in Texas

Below is a link to the Democracy Now piece about the women’s hunger strike in USA refugee detention prisons.

The link has the video and also the transcript of that portion of the show which aired on 6.11.2015

Last week, 27 immigrant women detained at the for-profit T. Don Hutto facility in Austin began refusing meals, demanding an end to mistreatment and their immediate release. Most are asylum seekers from Central America, which has seen a surge in migrants fleeing violence and abuse. The detainees said they’ve faced threats and unjustified surveillance as they languish in custody without hope of freedom. Immigration officials have denied the hunger strike is even taking place. Continue reading